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5 things to learn from Anne Frank's Diary

Who thought the world be so curious about sneaking into 14 yrs old girl’s diary? Who thought her intimate feelings will go on and inspire the generations to have faith in humanity? Who thought Anne Frank will be the symbol of optimism and freedom for those who are left to perish in injustice? Certainly, she didn’t, but she wanted to. She wanted to devote her life to the betterment of mankind. She wanted to be alive in people’s heart long after her death. And above all, she wanted to soar high in the sky like a bird feeling the utmost freedom.
It gives me goosebumps when I go through the passage of her diary where she talks about her unwavering faith in humanity and love. I mean it’s all during WWII. The whole fucking world is on fire, bombs are being dropped now and then, guns are clattering continuously and then there is a scared little girl hidden in a cramped confinement (secret annex) still find the world to be amusing, no matter how chaotic evils make it. She still finds the ultimate happiness is in the hands of the beauty of nature, not the condition you have been languished to. And I think we are in dire need to apply her values and thoughts to save the world from falling apart.

Anne has a Free Spirit

Evils can encroach your property, can cease your rights, can degenerate you to an object but the soul within you has still the options to make a choice, whether to be meek and cringe or get up and revolt against the unjust. Indeed, Anne chose the latter. She has a revolutionary and free spirit maybe too small to be noticed at that time, but 70 yrs across her death, her words have become a relic of emancipation.
It’s true that she was gloomed of being caged in that little confinement, deprived of every worldly thing, but this didn’t regress her conscience to seek happiness in the beauty of small things. She believed as long as the wind blows, birds chirp and leaves rustle, one can’t stop oneself from being amused to this miraculous nature, who has so much to give.

Recommended Book "The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne restores Faith in Humanity

The world has not changed much since WWII. We are still dwelling in the same place to make our planet a safe haven for everyone. We are still frightened of truces and temporary treaties among our leaders before they all jump into a war.  Definitely, we don’t have those colossal clashes and wars now, but the injustice, hatred, selfishness still prevails.
People are still seen as an identity, we are still polarized because of religions, and innocents stills die in tyranny. And whenever we are on the brink to lose humanity, people like Anne Frank come as a savior to escort us back to the safe.
Her relentless belief in humanity even in that adversity is remarkable. She believed no matter how bad the people are but they still possess a good heart. Innocence still echoes from the beat of their heart, maybe too faint, but it does. And we can all together make this world a better place if we can feel that innocence in people.
anne frank quotes

Anne is the symbol of Feminism

Had there been just Adam kicked out of the garden I wonder would we have ever crossed 7 billion mark of the population. I mean the man and woman have equally contributed to the advancement of the human being, but somehow men have deceitfully used their innate physical strength to suppress woman, not letting them have the equal share of the pie.
But as long as there will be a girl like Anne Frank, men would never succeed in their heinous motive. She resents to the injustice woman are suffering. She wants the woman to have equal status in the society. And it is these injustices which inspire Anne to be more than just a housewife, to transcend her spirit beyond the premises of the speculative society.  Although she never lived that long to fulfill her dream but her imagination is serving the world to its glory.  She will always be one of those women who is pulling the caravan of women’s pride forward.
anne frank quotes

Anne aware the world to the value of Child

Imagine the worlds full of kids no more than 14 yrs of age.  Imagine how amazing it would be to live in a place full of innocence, love, and joy. Not matured enough to believe in the bigotry of religions, not educated enough to discriminate others on the colors of skin, a complete anarchy. But this just befits in some fairy tale of grandma. The truth is that we grow, get matured, get educated and then we botch everything.
The younger we are, the more we are to human.  Every word in Anne Frank’s diary was written with a pen dipped in innocence, without any superficial mask which elderly people tend to carry. Had the diary not been published, the world would miss this amazing child who had so much to teach us. And think of all the children who don’t write, but do think the same way. The world has so many precious gems we are not aware of. And I believe that this is the time we need to tune into their feelings and learn from them because blindly following our so-called leaders are taking us nowhere but hell.
anne frank quotes

read more 4 important Life Lessons by Lady Bird

Anne wants no War

In every heartrending feeling of Anne Frank, there was a pain behind. There was a constant agony she was besieged with. And to put it plain and straightforward, it was war.  It was the horrors of war which evoked this side of her. It was the atrocities of war that evolved her from happy going cheerful girl to some serious intellect.
An intellect who wanted to see the world without war. An intellect who kept gazing to an endless lane in the anticipation of peace and happiness. And it’s our courtesy now to fulfill her desperate desire by making this world beautiful again, standing in solidarity against the war, raising our voices against injustices and let the bell rings to those hypocrites that their time is up our time is now.

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  1. Anee was not only a beautiful girl but also was very curious and intellegent


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