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Why to live like Joker - The Dark Knight

In life, we are more than often taught the value of virtue. If you want to be something, be like that good guy. If you want to do something, do something good. In the end, all we are surrounded by good examples and high morals. And there is nothing wrong with it. But what's wrong with the bad guys. Are they not enlightening enough.
In this obsession for good, we tend to completely neglect the evil. And that is a mistake which seldom can prove disastrous. For you, for society and for everyone. When we talk about learning, I believe we can learn from everybody.  Be it a thief or police, a villain, or a hero. And many times, the bad things teach us the right lessons.

Today we will talk about a character, who is a villain and luckily a fictional villain, but despite his dark nature and evilness, we can learn a lot from him and frankly can even make our lives better if we are willing to. And that villain is Joker.
joker quotes

Don't be serious

Why so serious?..this is the go-to line of Joker in the movie. Whenever he is killing anybody, he would first ask him..why so serious? Why are you so worried? And somehow this is a valid question. I mean, of course, with a knife held to our throat we will all be serious but do we have to be so serious all the time? Life should be lived sincerely, not seriously. Only with a calm mind, you can take the right decisions in life. And Joker understands that to win in any situation, it is very important to understand that situation. And to comprehend any situation you got to be calm. As long and as much as we keep ourselves cool & our mind open there will be clarity in your life.

Don't always play by rules

It is said that good players play by rules and great players play by breaking the rules. But no one says that the great players break the rules only after learning them. And by breaking rules I do not mean that we have to light a match stick and burn the world down. Instead, break those rules and laws which stop you from moving ahead in life and explore something new.  Don't box yourself up. Don't think outside of the or inside of the box. Think as if there is no box. And there actually is none.
joker quotes

Let your enemies be closer

There is a saying that  If you want to know the worth of any man, then find out who his enemies are. Bigger the enemies, bigger the man. The perception we hold about our haters is a very narrow, self-entitled self-centered perspective. That those who wish harm for me should suffer the same. But, here, if we look at Joker carefully then we find that he regards his enemies from a completely different perspective.

Joker doesn't want to kill Batman. Because there is only Batman who challenges him. Gives him a good competition. And for Joker, a good competition matters more than his victory. Enemies make you get out of your comfort zone. They push you forward. That's why those who criticize you, tease you, keep them close. Because with everything, they also help you improve.
joker quotes

read more - Why to Live like Tyler Durden -Fight Club

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Don't plan much, just do it

There is a quote by Bruce Lee. That if you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you will never get it done. And too much planning also involves lots of thinking and overthinking. If you just sit and keep planning for something, you will never do it.

Joker also has plans. And he is actually a good planner. But he always plans for immediate activity.  What next he has to do, he focuses on that. 5 years from now is not his concern.  if you get anxious for something that's way too far in the future, then it's a bad deal. Its plain waste of what you today. It's a good thing to plan for the future. But not at the cost of your present.
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5. Value the message

 Anything you do, whether you are an entrepreneur, an artist, a musician, or just a YouTuber, there is always a message in your work, with few exceptions. 

The idea is that if you agree with the message of your work, only then you should do it. The projection that your work will have on others, do you bathe in it? Ask yourself that. Because real life is complicated and often ruthless. Just working hard will not ensure success. Sometimes you do everything you can and still go unrecognized. This is true. So if you do want to do something, do it because you believe in it. By doing so you can do it for a longer time. Even if you are to struggle.

And no one can teach you this better than Joker. For Joker, the message is more important than money. It is his this firm belief that keeps him undeterred even in front of death.

But unlike Joker, we should value those messages which can make a constructive change within you and the world around you.

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