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Why you are not a Psychopath

When I see a kid apart from all the attributes that a kid innately possesses like cuteness, tenderness, innocence, I see possibilities. What he/she might become, could become? And I am equally worried about this idea as I am delighted. After all the fate of the world rest on each new infant - tiny fragile and threatened but in time capable of uttering the words and doing the deeds that maintain the eternal delicate balance between chaos and order.

The idea that life is suffering is irrefutable. It is a tenet in every religious doctrines. Buddhists state it directly. Christians illustrate it with the cross. Jews commemorate the suffering endured over the centuries. Humans beings are intrinsically fragile. We can be damaged, even broken physically and emotionally and we are all subject to the depredation of aging and loss. We all are born with a death sentence. Most of us will never commit a felony yet we will die. How more unjust our life could be? How more brutal the so-called beautiful nature could be? People usually mistake nature to be pristine and paradisal like a French impressionistic landscape but the mother nature is also very threatening and sometimes hell-bent on our destruction.

signs of psychopath

Recommended Book "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos"

Some people clearly move through life overburdened with problems that are beyond their control and it's very rare indeed who isn't suffering from at least one serious catastrophe at any given time particularly if you include their family in the equation. The trouble is, all human beings have moments of despair. It is a grand, if tragic, truth that because humans have ambition that is so much higher than other animals, hurting is bound to be a part of life. The Italian poet Cesare Pavese said it explicitly: ‘No one ever lacks a good reason for suicide.’ 

read more - Overcoming Drug Addiction with Human Love

I think every person is capable of committing monstrous acts, but true monsters are quite rare and are the ones who are after being squeezed and broken down by life come to one of these two conclusions - it would be better not to be at all, and second, though by very few, perhaps it would be even better if there was no being at all. These are the two most dreadful conclusions one could have of life. This is no joke here. People who come to the former conclusion are flirting with suicide. They are relying on the cessation of their own existence to find a way out of suffering and those who come to the later are far worse - something truly monstrous. They are consorting with the idea of the destruction of everything. They are toying with genocide. They are vengeful. Everything seems to them their enemy and they want to annihilate all of it. Its here we get people with lips stretched too far, tyrannical dictators, mass shooters, serial rapists and killers, cannibalists or in other words the psychopaths. The most savageous of animal instincts are let free here.  Even their own being doesn't justify the existence of humanity. In fact, in few cases, they kill themselves after committing their heinous act precisely to demonstrate the purity of their commitment to annihilation. They are walking dead. a pure agent of chaos.
signs of psychopath

So the question is -  why are you not one of those? why are we not? why didn't we let those physical and emotional traumas of our life to manifest itself into something horrific? Why are we still suffering and enduring it? Well, there are two reasons for this too. One -  suffering makes us strong. We can always look back and acknowledge the fact that the all the hard times that we went through some way or other made us more capable mentally and physically to face life head-on. In Nietzsche's words "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." A human being is human becoming. Its a process, not a state.  And the second and the most important reason- is that there is a meaning to our suffering. In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning. When you conjure up the face of the person that needs your love you gain strength to go even through the hell.  When you have a genuine reason for the things that you are working on you keep working on it even when nobody cares about it. And it's actually because of losing to see any meaning in life that psychopaths come to those two dreadful conclusions. Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure or a quest for power, but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her life. Because to fail to do so will always result in deathly hollows.

Recommended Book "Man's Search For Meaning"
signs of psychopath

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