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Why to Live like Tyler Durden -Fight Club

Fight Club is a kickass movie of all time. It sparks your life and gives a new momentum. It reflects you a way of life which you want, but can’t dare. If you are lost in the midst of sea where every unnecessary bullshit is trying to swallow you 1 min at a time, then this movie will help you. It was released in 1999, and everyone around the globe was blown away by Tyler Durden. Tyler was an imaginary character in the movie. The very next desire of everyone was to be like him. He gave new meaning to the life of every college and office going dude. The dialogs of the movie were on the tip of everyone’s tongue. So what makes Tyler Durden so fascinating and why we connect so much to him even when hardly any of us would literally like to start a fight club and walk around with a black eye. so it's not what Tyler did in the movie that was fascinating but the way he did, his approach to different things is what that intrigued us. So here are five reasons why every one of us would want to live like Tyler Durden
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Carefree with Let it go Attitude

Every day you get a chance to live your life, but you spoil it doing something that you don’t want to do. Unlike you, Tyler understands the value of life and knows how limited it is. His life is without any anxiety and sorrow and This is all we want - a life without any anxiety and sorrow. Tyler doesn’t give a second thought to a thing that he doesn’t like. He is not caged with status quo or the desire to impress others. He lives his life without the greed to win or fear to lose. He accepts things open-hearted as it comes. The crucial thing that you can learn from Tyler is to be like a boat without a rudder in the river. Just go along the way and let the chips fall where they may.
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He hates working Job

Most of us do a job not because we love it; it’s because it gives us a sense of security. People always tend to cover themselves with a safety net. Every one of us wants to be untouched with the hardship of the world. But the fact is once you start securing, you stop exploring. Tyler is not the one who likes working jobs, wearing a tie or being a white color slave. All of these enslave your soul. And this is the last thing he wants- to be enslaved by something. If you are looking to get over such bullshits then Tyler can help you here.
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He is not Brand Obsessed 

You must not seek your identity in the brands you wear You must not look the way these brands want you to look. They start with a promise to give you an ideal life and look but ends up making you the slave of theirs. Tyler is strongly against consumerism. he speaks the real the bitter truth of these high-class brands. How they start owning you and spoils your life. You need to have a free life and by free I mean free of CK shirts, Armani jeans or D&G shoes. Get out of these. Your body is same as every decaying micro-organisms, I don’t know why are you so excited to decorate it.
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He lives as if it's Last

Every day we go to bed with a hope of getting up tomorrow. But this is not guaranteed. At any moment from now, we can die. But none of us bother about it. Tyler makes every second count. All his ideal human qualities exist because he believes that life is limited. And that's the reason why his behavior is so impulsive. well, I won't necessarily suggest you to act out of your impulse all the time but you do need to understand that unlike the newsfeed of your Facebook timeline there is the end to your life's timeline and Once you understand this fact that your life is limited, you will have a different view towards life. You will prioritize your self-freedom than anything else and definitely, you will not give a shit about what other people think.

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read more Self Improvement is not the Answer - Tyler Durden 

Tyler Durden is Spiritual

It’s only when we are about to die; we realize the importance of life. Tyler’s way of living is very spiritual because he doesn’t dwell on the past or the future. He lives his life along with the second hand of the clock. His life is not attached to emotions that can stop him from going ahead and doing something that he wants to do. When you are spiritually enlightened, you don’t pretend to the world. You are what you are, and it doesn’t matter how the world takes it or feels about it. It clears the way to bring out the real self of yours. And there is no doubt that Tyler has it all. Tyler was Tyler - in and out, through and through. He was spiritual but in a different way.
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