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The Malaise of Breakups in modern Relationships

Of all the responsibilities, we inherently take being as a social animal, we tend to keep a human relationship responsibilities on the pedestal- the topmost priority. Something we do care for more than any other responsibilities because we know if we trifle with it or be irresponsible with it, its loss could leave a void in our life that can choke us to death. The pain that it inflicts is so unbearable that sometimes it turns us into a living corpse. We lose reasons to live anymore. No matter how bad a person is to other people in general but he tends to be the best to the people he cares about, to his near ones and dear ones.
break up

And this human relationship responsibility gets kind of very intense and important when it comes to deal with two lovers - the Romeo and Juliet sort of thing. The promises we make to our lovers are far more concrete and firm then we do for any other things. We end up losing our heart, body, and soul to the other person. We are willing to bet every single beat of our heart to win that very person. But I have this sneaking suspicion that human heart wasn't made by the hands of God because it isn't perfect. It has got glitches. Sometimes, we are so impassioned by our heart that we fail to comprehend the reality. Besotted by the face of a girl, sometimes, makes us impulsively promise things only to break those later, and there is no way you can avoid that unless you don't get too calculated in choosing your partner, which then by its precise nature, won't be love anymore.

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break up

So what do we do if we ever be the victim of this little imperfection of our heart? Apart from sobbing and wiping our tears with the back of our hand, what the hell do we do? How do we cope up with this existential crisis? To the best of my knowledge and with a bit of experience, having breakups or getting divorced or being rejected isn't that easy to walk through. So how do we get across of this unfortunate situation?  To get out of this predicament, you need to know why did you get in there in the first place? Why did you fall in love?
break up

read more - Why do we need Friends in LIfe

To love is to be loved. We love that person because we want to be loved by that person in return. Though we don't realize this very often, we care for our partner because we want to be cared by them in return. We all are afflicted with sorrows and pain and it is with this intent of being remedied that we've turned to our lover so that we can be healed by them. Love, in one way, is a very selfish thing. Though we sacrifice our heart body and soul but the feelings that it induces is worth any sacrifice. It's actually with the hope of being saved from this mortal dread that we seek for a partner. So what happens when we are not saved from this mortal dread? What happens when we are not healed back? Perhaps, we should go and try some other medicine. I know this isn't a conventional love advice but this is how it is.

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Love is about saving yourself from mortality. Love is about making you feel that you are greater than yourself and I think it's the purpose that it serves is important rather than sticking around with the medium. And "to move on" is the hallmark of a human being and it is as much applicable in our love life as it is in any other walks of life. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel like you cannot live anymore, maybe, you should move on and seek someone else who can make you feel that you can live forever.

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