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Whiplash - The mechanism of Criticism

Einstein said Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person. Paintings, music, and books of antiquity that are obscure now or have taken refuge in the museums take us all in amazement by the mere name of master attached to it but upon looked closely they will equally astonish us with the mastery that it has been weaved through by years and years of hard work.

Damien Chazelle's film Whiplash is suffused with this idea that to make yourself proficient at any skill you have to be willing to grind for it relentlessly. It takes countless days and nights to hone one's craft to be called a work of genius. but not just that, this movie also brings fore the role of criticism in ones' life and how important it is to push any artist beyond mediocrity. It reflects how hard-work, when complemented with criticism, can result in a remarkable performance.

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In the movie where an aspiring jazz drummer, Andrew complacently takes the drum with the hope of impressing the instructor only to realize how mistaken he was for his skill. Terence Fletcher, the instructor known for his ruthless teaching methods, who often gets abusive and violent doesn't just make Andrew know his minor mistakes but he goes on to humiliate him to the point of tears. This has a huge impact how he takes on himself from here and on. Whatever notion he had of himself prior to this was now withered to ashes and anything that was left is to work hard, way more than he thought of.

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Think of the nuances that we get wrong in the skills we are pursuing and we tend to overlook those because we are too overwhelmed by appreciations to notice. Most of the times people appreciate because they of course genuinely like our work but seldom people do so because they don't wanna make us feel bad or hurt us. They let a bit of sympathy slide over the truth and say a GOOD JOB - And that's a huge mistake.

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Fletcher as an instructor knows what it takes to be great and he constantly deploys this ideology among his students to achieve it. A well-intentioned criticism's purpose is not just to make one aware of his mistakes, but I think more importantly, its about not to let the success go to one's head. Every time Andrew puffs up a bit in his little victories soon enough Fletcher deflates him by giving minimum attention. Fletcher repeatedly denies acknowledging his efforts. He acts so insatiably that no matter what you do you are still treated like a piece of shit.
It is at this point Andrews passion ascends to obsession. Andrew, in order to minimize his distractions, cuts himself off of everything and like everytime obsession takes its toll on Andrews life too. Passion adds and obsession consumes.

read more - Chester Bennington - Why Artists commit Suicide

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With all unexpected turn of events in between, the movie ends with yet another band performance. Andrew as the drummer and Fletcher his instructor but unlike in the past, this time he had ill intentions of Andrew's career. But the outstandingly remarkable performance of Andrew made the fletcher's heart change and they both get into a flow state of musical orchestra and gives the audience a true work of art mingled with the unnerving effort.

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You could be passionate. You might be willing to grind it all the way through. Like Everyone you can keep few role models to motivate you at time but without criticism, without people who point you your mistake, who rectify you even when you don't want them to, people  who are so brutally honest that you get offended sometimes, without them you will somewhere in your life fall into the trap of being good enough and fail the greatness in you.

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