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The flaw in Thanos's Thinking - Villain Psychology

More than a million kangaroos are killed in Australia every year. Kangaroos breed so fast and get so large in number that they start to create problems. Competing for the livestock with other cattle, trespassing private farms of people, and sometimes even causing accidents on the road. In some places, because of severe drought, they even starve to death. To handle the situation, the Australian government has allowed officials, and in some cases, normal people to hunt down kangaroos. Thus every year more than a million kangaroos are killed by human beings. I mean, the situation of these kangaroos is not that different from the people of Titan.

If you want to understand what goes inside the head of the mad Titan, if you want to understand his thinking and mentality, then you don't have to look farther than Homo sapiens on the planet Earth.

Thanos believed death is necessary for life to thrive. It was his foundational belief. Life and death are like a yin yang. They balance each other. If one exceeds the other, life itself is in danger. And the reason that he thinks this way is his home planet, Titan. Overpopulation and lack of resources destroyed it and witnessing this, Thanos himself takes this burden to eliminate half the population of the whole universe before other planets get into
a similar situation. So he goes around other planets and mercilessly kills half of its people, and once he gets his hands around all the Infinity stones, he does so with more ease and quick - just with a snap of his fingers.

The grand idea of killing half people got a mixed reaction from the audience. Some found this to be right and necessary, while others just saw it as an act of desperation. For those, it was right, they argued that Thanos was ultimately doing it for life. Even if it was killing people, he was killing to ultimately save human life, and also, he was not biased. He was not targetting any particular community or religion or any specific group. He was doing so randomly.

And for those Thanos was wrong, they also had a very valid reason to think so.  A person who has all the Infinity stones becomes so powerful that he literally could do anything. If Thanos wished he could have increased the resources of the planets for people to depend upon or still better, he could have created another planet to accommodate the overpopulation. He could have done so many things, yet he chose to wipe out half the population. This clearly shows he wasn't onto something good for Humanity. It was a seer ego and hatred towards life. Maybe he was simply irritated of life.
Even in comic book origin, Thanos had a weird fascination for death from a young age. In short, he was just a mad - a mad Titan who wants to kill people.

Whatever it may be right or wrong. But the idea Thanos had, wiping half the population, is flawed and fundamentally wrong. And the issue isn't just with Thanos. It applies to our life as well. Sometimes, we also see life's problem in that narrow band of binary vision.

When we talk about any problem there are two ways we can go around it. Either we eradicate the problem itself, or we address the problem. Eradicating the problem means getting rid of the thing that is causing the problem on the surface level. Whereas addressing it means to look into it on a deeper level and amend the root cause of the problem. For example, if you have mosquitoes in your room, you kill all the mosquitoes or use any liquid to get rid of them. But essentially, you are eradicating the problem. You are killing the mosquitoes but the real problem here is not mosquitoes. It is your dirty room and the area around where you live. So if you want to address the problem of mosquitoes, then you should clean your room, your colony, and the place where you live. Make sure there is no stagnant water.

Similarly, overpopulation is not a problem. Overpopulation is just the causation of the irresponsible behavior of human beings. But what causes this irresponsible behavior - poverty, high infant mortality rate, less awareness, and education. Though the good news is that by actually addressing these root causes we have almost stopped the annual population growth rate. But there is another issue Thanos has. Finite Resources.  And with this perspective, we are definitely at risk. We should be responsible for using resources and energy of our planet Earth but even if we get responsible, the resource consumption will get higher and higher with every single year, and there is no sign of stopping it. But that doesn't mean that there will be an end or there will be a time we will be left with nothing. Only if we are futuristic enough.

There's a word called cornucopian- means there are enough resources on the earth and the space around us and what we need is the right technology to harness the energy from those resources. Even if the earth's population reaches the tipping point which it will in the future, with the help of the right technology we can terraform Mars and make our habitat there and we are already working on it.  Sooner or later we are going to be multi-planetary species.

What we need are bright minds who aren't caught up in changing the world, but saving the world. The problem with today's entrepreneurs is that they are still rehearsing the words of Steve Jobs- "Let's change the world". If you are just focusing on changing the world, you waste your imagination in fulfilling trivial human needs - the same shopping sites, mobile brands, dating sites, social media, and live streaming. We have had enough of these. What we need now are engineers and entrepreneurs who are futuristic in approach, who are willing to tackle human challenges. Because if you are thinking to save the world, you have infinite possibilities in front of you. You think about the energy of the Sun. You think about the surface of Mars. You work on artificial intelligence, the human brain. You have this whole universe for your imagination to run. And in reality, it is these technologies that are going to help us tackle the future crisis. And that's why we need some futuristic minds like Iron Man, not Thanos - on earth and also in the Marvel Universe. 
