There is no incidence in my living memory which drew such global attention as the Covid19 pandemic. We have witnessed deaths of legends, endured many tragedies, and been through many long brutal conflicts in some places but the way the covid19, commonly known as coronavirus, has captured the world's collective consciousness is truly shocking. Everyone everywhere is talking about it because it concerns everybody and that because it threatens everybody. Otherwise, people die every year due to several reasons like Diarrhoea, obesity, accidents, and die in large numbers.
For the last couple of months, the whole world seems to have come to halt. It all feels like we are watching a movie. Because we have seen such things happening in movies. Empty roads, dead cities, everyday life getting completely shut, emergency video conferencing of world leaders. We have seen such a crisis in many movies and we have seen it in different situations. Sometimes it's a natural disaster, sometimes a deadly virus or an AI turned monster.
We know what is an apocalypse. We have seen doomsday. Sometimes it's not astrologers but artists who predict the future for us. We even know how the world would look like without us. But we are so caught up in our everyday life; chopping wood and fetching water that we never think that these fictional situations could come true.
To know something and to experience it are two different things. We know that we are mortal beings. We will die one day like any other living beings. At last, we all will turn into dust and be food for worms. We know this. But we never feel it. We never really contemplate our death. Homosapiens have always struggled to believe this fact. We know that we are nothing more than heart pumping, breath gasping, meat-coated skeletons. But we never feel that we are aging day by day. It feels as if we will be young forever. Usually, people see death with a very romantic and poetic perspective. Death is the new beginning. Death makes room for the new. Death frees us from our animal condition, liberates our soul. It gives meaning to our life. But the truth is that we shy away from accepting death as it is. As far as I understand, death is like a cruel joke in our life.
The way we are self-aware, the depth with which we can self-reflect, the kind of rich consciousness that we have; we fall in love, we dream, we have ambitions, we listen to music, stories, we have hope, we make art, we seek ecstasy, joy, wonder. And at some point, all these capabilities will be seized from you. That everything and everyone you love will be taken away from you. This is utter injustice to our life. As if we are all born with a death sentence. On one side, we can fathom infinity, and on the other side, our finite body; our temporary existence- our mortality. This is a conflict in human nature.
For the last couple of months, the whole world seems to have come to halt. It all feels like we are watching a movie. Because we have seen such things happening in movies. Empty roads, dead cities, everyday life getting completely shut, emergency video conferencing of world leaders. We have seen such a crisis in many movies and we have seen it in different situations. Sometimes it's a natural disaster, sometimes a deadly virus or an AI turned monster.
We know what is an apocalypse. We have seen doomsday. Sometimes it's not astrologers but artists who predict the future for us. We even know how the world would look like without us. But we are so caught up in our everyday life; chopping wood and fetching water that we never think that these fictional situations could come true.
Mortal Beings |
To know something and to experience it are two different things. We know that we are mortal beings. We will die one day like any other living beings. At last, we all will turn into dust and be food for worms. We know this. But we never feel it. We never really contemplate our death. Homosapiens have always struggled to believe this fact. We know that we are nothing more than heart pumping, breath gasping, meat-coated skeletons. But we never feel that we are aging day by day. It feels as if we will be young forever. Usually, people see death with a very romantic and poetic perspective. Death is the new beginning. Death makes room for the new. Death frees us from our animal condition, liberates our soul. It gives meaning to our life. But the truth is that we shy away from accepting death as it is. As far as I understand, death is like a cruel joke in our life.
Psychology of Death |
The way we are self-aware, the depth with which we can self-reflect, the kind of rich consciousness that we have; we fall in love, we dream, we have ambitions, we listen to music, stories, we have hope, we make art, we seek ecstasy, joy, wonder. And at some point, all these capabilities will be seized from you. That everything and everyone you love will be taken away from you. This is utter injustice to our life. As if we are all born with a death sentence. On one side, we can fathom infinity, and on the other side, our finite body; our temporary existence- our mortality. This is a conflict in human nature.
Recommended Book "The Denial of Death"
Our behavior is heavily influenced by the awareness of our mortality. On the one side, we want to live forever, and on the other side, we have to die for sure. What do we do then? How do we get out of this conflict? How do we make peace with it? Well, we find a solution to this in our culture. We make myth hoping to find an abode in God's kingdom after our death, and live forever if we are a moral person. We write poems. We make paintings. We try to do something for the greater good so that we can make a name for ourselves. So that people remember us, and we live on through our work. And sometimes, we fall in love. We surrender ourselves in the arms of our lover, and hope that perhaps he or she will free us of this mortal coil. Because when you are in love and with your lover, you are in a different state. Mortality is the least of your worries.
Romantic Lovers |
We do everything possible to give an eternal meaning to our lives. We do everything we can to aestheticize our life, hoping that it will extend us beyond our grave and our funeral. We want to keep ourselves alive symbolically. We just don't want to die. We are ready to believe anything that assures us of eternity. That there will be no end. But, by the end of the day, everybody dies. At last, all we get is a disappointment. By our lovers, by our dreams, by our Gods. In its true sense, no one saves us from our mortality.
Iron Man Death |
Read More - The Psychology of Kira | Death Note
We all fear death. Even those who want to go to heaven don't want to die, as Steve Jobs once said. And the immediate reason for this is physical pain. You don't know how you will die. But if we deeply analyze it, we find that it's not only pain that paralyzes us but also the fear of non-existence. We fear that we will cease to exist. We will extinguish. We are afraid that people will forget us. But the truth is we are all born to be lost in obscurity. What's the success of even Steve Jobs in the face of oblivion? What's seventy, eighty, or even ninety years of finite life in the face of infinity?
Death and Eternity |
Whether you realize this or not, but from the perspective of the Universe, if you comprehend its whole time-span which is billions of years, your life span is just a fraction of a dot. In a very real sense, we are already as good as dead.
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