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Why People Loved Thanos

People don't like Thanos as much as they like Iron Man or Spider-Man or Captain America. But this doesn't mean they hate Thanos. Hell No!! After the Infinity War people went crazy for Thanos. Tough in the Endgame he died as a villain but the emotions of people were still tied to Thanos. But why?

When we are a child, we are often presented good and bad as two different things.  Some things are good, some are bad. We are told to do good things, adopt good habits. Speaking the truth is good. Lying is bad. Reading is good. Playing with friends is bad. The problem is, when we are a kid, our mind can't conceive things deeply. We don't have enough mental faculty to investigate the truth. And that's why we are shown a clear distinction between things. This is right, this is wrong. Why how; these things don't bother us.

If we introduce Thanos to a kid and tell him that he wants to kill half the population including the superheroes,  and if you tell him the reason why he wants to do so, even then, Thanos will be a
villain for him. Because for him, Superheroes are always good, villains are always bad. He will always see things in binary. Black and white. But as we grow up, as we start to venture out of our house and go through different situations, then we come to know that good-bad, right and wrong are not two different things. Something right is right only to a certain limit and a certain context. And something wrong can also be perceived as right in some situations.

Enjoying with friends is a good thing but only to a certain limit. In some situations, even lying can be counted as a virtue. The boundary between right and wrong gets blurry as we grow up. From a life in black and white, we move to a gray area, where the distinction between right and wrong has to be made by ourselves, as an individual. Perhaps, something which is right for you, to whatever limit, may not be right for me. So, the collective definition of right and wrong that we are taught since childhood starts to fall apart as we grow up.

There are some villains in cinema that can't be easily categorized as downright evil. Whom you cannot judge solely as right or wrong. Different people have a different perspective on them.  For some people, they are a villainous hero, for some a heroic villain. But they are not just a villain. I think a good fictional villain is the one with whom the viewer can identify. The viewer can feel himself in the villain's place. When we get to know their past and the reason behind their actions, then we realize that even our own life is so fragile and vulnerable. Differentiating between right and wrong in such situations is not so easy. And the fact is that if we are put in the same situation, even we will falter.

And to a great extent, this thing comes true with Thanos. If so many of us support him, agree to him, this is because we also know what is the cost of overpopulation, what it means to be in an overcrowded place with a severe lack of opportunities. A place where even for simple jobs, there is so fierce competition. We are also the victims of it.

When everything was collapsing in Avengers Endgame, When Chitauri army was turning into dust and fading away, then the camera zooms in to Thanos. We also get to see the disappointment and regret on his face for failing on his mission. The way the camera lingers at his face, we can witness his failure.  Along with the loss of Ironman, people also had to make some space in their hearts for Thanos.
