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Malala Yousafzai - The Voice of Freedom

Courage is the greatest and the rarest virtue of all essential human attributes. Being courageous liberates your soul, takes it beyond the confinement of your body and altogether makes it an abundant source of enlightenment. Every great person from the history was courageous, no matter how talented they must have been, but it was the courage that gave the initial nudge.
Courageous to be odd, courageous to defy the lumpen system, courageous to explore the uncharted streets and to be more specific, courageous to ensure your own freedom. And wouldn’t it be a bit of an ignoramus to not to talk about Malala, when it’s all about courage?
Malala Yousafzai, a fearless small little girl, who took the world into a whirlwind by her relentless voice for the right of education, who went an extra mile to snatch the liberties of every girl from the deadly claws of horrendous people, who rose and became the voice of millions of girls, who have been deprived of their fundamental human rights.
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Malala advocates Education

If there is any history to go by, it’s our own human history. How education from generation has helped us to get a better and broader understanding of ourselves and the world. Without education, we would still be carving and painting in the caves; we wouldn’t have come so far.
So depriving someone of education is trying to keep her back in the dark, more of like an ape. Education is no more a privilege; it’s a basic need like every other need which helps us survive.
Malala has an extreme curiosity to learn and get educated. When vicious Taliban made proclamations of depriving girls of education, as a child, she became an advocate for girls’ education, which resulted in the Taliban issuing a death threat against her. It didn’t scare her. Instead, she went ahead of the curve against the Taliban’s wish and raised her voice. On October 9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala when she was traveling home from school. She survived and had continued to speak out on the importance of education.
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Bullet didn’t silence Malala

The ideologies of Taliban are so shallow and feeble that they need to resort to violence to make people follow them. They think bullets and bombs can help them achieve their ill objective, but what they don’t know is that mere death of a body doesn’t enslave the human, mere loss of physical existence doesn’t extinguish the freedom of a soul.
Human as a whole is entirely a different entity; a body is a small temporary shelter. We are not just about the body we carry; it‘s way more beyond that.
They thought shooting Malala will restrain her courage, but she was way more ignited than their bullets can ever be. She survived and didn’t let her voice down. She continued fighting. Moreover, it's too late for them to stop her because her courage has emboldened millions and millions of people across the world. We are all Malala now. And this time, they don’t just have to shoot one but all of us (Courage is Contagious).
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Malala is the Voice of Millions

There are more than 55 million children deprived of education, living their life in a gloomy dim-lit world, where their aspiration of life doesn’t cross the premises of their house, where their qualities and skills don’t penetrate through their veil, where their life is at the mercy of obnoxious evil people.
Malala’s bravery has lit a fire in them. It has illuminated a candle to show them the path to liberation. She has become a rage to all those, whose voices have been drowned by guns. She is like a raft to these girls to float across the atrocities of fundamentalists and live a life where education is valued, where personal freedom is not biased by gender.
Malala still moves around the world to inspire children and ignite passion in them to fight for their rights.

Recommended Book "I Am Malala

Malala is Empowering Women

I don’t know why we need to repeat this platitude “empower women” again and again. I don’t know why we need to stand on a street with a placard written “empower women”. I don’t know why do we even need to empower them when they are the one who has the most tolerance power. When they are the one who has the intrinsic strength to take on childbirth, which is one of the most painful and exhausting processes of mankind. When they are the one who is the very first teacher of every great leader of the world.
Men don’t need to empower women; they just need to stop suppressing them to prove themselves more powerful. Malala has shown the power of women once and for all. When men lost the courage to speak of Taliban atrocities, she raised her voice. When men cringed in front of the gun, she took them head-on. Look at the kind of courage and guts she has.
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read more - 5 things to learn from Anne Frank's Diary

Malala is the perfect reply to Taliban

If terrorists think God is a tiny little conservative being who made this world and deployed them to make sure everyone suffocates here without any freedom, then they are hugely mistaken. If they feel loaded AK-47 can bend everyone to their will, well that’s not gonna work every time. At least not with a girl like Malala.
She is perfect reply to these petty little fringe groups. They thought they are gonna shoot her and make her mum, but see, God saved her. It seems God is even well aware of, who is here to save and who isn’t. The bullet which went through her head has encouraged her even more and gave her more strength to fight these lumpen people.
And to be frank, Taliban’s time is up. Now every girl understands the value of education; every girl knows that freedom is not given, it’s their birthright and whoever encroaches these rights should be taken head-on.
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