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The Toll of Sexism

When I started off to write this, I wanted to initiate this very topic by comparing the libidos of both the genders. For all, I knew women had more sexual drive than man but just to be sure of it, I thought to recheck the facts. And when I did so, I found I wasn't just right, I was actually equally wrong. Few articles had women to have more drive and few men, and in the end, contrary to my expectation, I was only left confused and scrolling further and further. While we might not be sure of who is leading whom in terms of wanting to have orgasms but at least there is one thing I am sure of and it is that man seriously lacks control over its carnal desires. I don't know if it is backed any scientific evidence but in the world where the lecherous behavior of men is so very starkly elucidate the fact do really need any science to vouch make us ascertain of it. Probably not.

In what I would call an avalanche of misconduct allegations against men that includes the very first person of united states to politicians, entertainers, writers to critics to the men of lowest stratum around the world, and I fear, many are still lurking behind, have brought the masculinity under scrutiny.  See because rape and sexual assault are not merely crimes of passion but an expression of power and that same power is also, very often shared to be the face of masculinity. I don't mean men are not inherently so. But maybe masculinity is. The rigid construction of a masculine nature within which every man is expected live is not undermining just womanhood but also suffocating many men too.  The dominant, exemplary form of a man, ‘a strong warrior and orator that is often shown in cinema as a  “big man” directing and leading a group of men in warfare and ceremony is outdated. And if you really are so keen to stick to the ancestral aspect of it, maybe you should consider beating our chest the way apes do. But you won't because that would be absurd likewise being unnecessarily tough-skinned, aggressive, unemotional is absurd. And by the way, you know what most men do in today's world - sit in a cubicle and type their shit out. Extending that inflated heroic definition to every time of human era is fucking wrong. Masculinity like every other personality is fluid, depending on its setting, which is everywhere constantly reshaped by new influences.  And even now when things are little better, when we have seemingly broadened our mind, maybe these patriarchal norms are crumbling down in the mainstream world but I fear the desire to feel power is still lurking behind somewhere in the corner of a male's psyche.

Disempowering women in the professional world is not new. If we were to trace it back it might even take us back to the very inception of human beings. Throughout most of history until recently women were considered too inferior to contribute to any work of art. And those who did were either under the shadow of their male partner or had to disguise as a man by using a male pen name. George Elliot, the Bronte sisters, and many more famous authors used a male pen name so that they could be taken seriously. Even to this day, female authors use initials instead of the first name to keep the gender ambiguous. The most beloved writer of our time JK Rowling confessed to using initials to keep this ambiguity that would otherwise be Joanne Rowling. Artists and musicians like Frida Khalo, Patti Smith, Marilyn Monroe have endured much to bring the women's perspective to the mainstream world. And this patriarchial culture wasn't just limited to arts and craft, it was prevalent in almost everything that involved women. From sex to politics to academics. Madam Currie was denied noble prize initially just because she was a woman. And despite being proven time and again of women's ingenuity, they still were overlooked.
The Bronte Sisters
The Bronte Sisters

I mean think of a world without these women and all the other women who pushed their way through the men's crowd. Think of a world without their contribution, without their efforts. Without Jane Austen, without Frida Khalo, without radium, without to kill the mockingbird, without Rosa Parks, without Rani Laxmi Bai, without Coco Chanel, without Mother Teressa, without every other female contribution that pushed us forward to make this world a better place- wouldn't it be a mistake to think of it.  Wouldn't it be a mistake to be in a world without these women? Maybe for few of you, these women are way too ancient to ring a bell. So how about a world without Harry Porter, how would your childhood be. And in case if you aren't of my age - think of your kid's childhood- wouldn't it be bleak.

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And now think of all the other women who couldn't push their way forward in the male dominant society, whose words remained closed in the drawers, whose canvass never saw the light of a day, whose scientific theory was never looked upon, who stifled their aspiration sitting inside of a house. All the women we don't about - the negative space. Think of them wouldn't this world be a far better place with these women, with their efforts and contribution included? Isn't it a blunder we have committed by overlooking them.

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So just so you know when use gender violence of any kind, when you propose someone a role in a movie in return of sexual favour, when you promise to promote someone to a higher rank that they already deserve, only when they get humiliated by you or when you hold up someone's journal or book until they sexually, please you . There are two ways out of such filthy situation for any person, very often that person is a girl- either she goes through that humiliating experience and be traumatized by it for the whole of her life affecting her work and career, or she turns her back goes back to the house and shuts the door behind her leaving us all deprived of her unique imagination and work that she came out to share with us- both ways it's not just that girl who loses out, its all of us. Sexism impedes human progress, period. It's nothing different than cutting the same branch that you are sitting on.

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