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5 Psychological Life Lessons from Batman - Bruce Wayne

When we talk about a fictional character, be it a superhero, a normal person or even a villain, how influential that character is in your life depends on to what extent you can relate to it. Because if you don't relate to the character well, then all its qualities which inspire you, you will not try much to imbibe those qualities in your own life. That character will remain just an inspiration for you.
You will never aspire to be like him.

So the question is what type of characters aspire us? And how do we relate to them?

Well, we don't relate to a character when we like their qualities or they have the same ambitions as us or when we are influenced by their power and strength. We relate to any character well when they have the same weaknesses as ours. When our mistakes are the same. When he is also as limited as we are. Because then you realize that he doesn't have any more advantage than you have. And only then we are able to form a strong connection with that character. We make an effort to imbibe their qualities in our own life.

And Batman is also one of these characters who are not just an inspiration but an aspiration. Something that we all want to be and can be. Batman is a belief. A belief to turn tragedy into motivation, fear into strength and darkness into an ally. He also struggles with the same things that I and you struggle in our daily lives.

Expose yourself to Fear

When we are talking about Batman and we don't talk about fear, its impossible.
Fear is central to Batman's persona. And Batman is a very good subject if you want to truly understand fear. Fear is a universal emotion. We all know about fear because we have all felt it and feel it even today. Your childhood fears, your teenage fears, and adult and old age fears are all different but one thing common in them is that we always fear things that we don't understand.

Fear Quotes
Fear Quotes

In some way, fear is darkness...a blackout. And in this darkness resides Batman so that he can scare
criminals. As a child when Bruce Wayne falls in that cave, he is filled with a phobia of bats. Phobia means that fear which completely paralyzes you. Fear of a situation that is out of proportion to its danger. We assume more danger than there actually is.

Scarecrow creates phobia in people through his chemical. When young bruce gathers the courage to fight the bats, then he realizes that the things he wants to do in his life, their answer lies in that fear. The fear which he ran away from, he can use that fear to scare criminals.

Batman Quotes
Quote on Death

And sometimes fear is very important to get ahead in life. Especially fear of death. Batman was able to jump into that well only when he jumps without a rope. Because then he fears death. Fear of death is an ultimate form of motivation. And that's why fear is not a bad thing. It is a necessary and evolutionary emotion. And sometimes what you fear is an indication of what you seek.

There is a quote by Rumi " The cave you fear holds the treasure you are seeking". So expose yourself to fear. There lies the beauty. There lies bliss. And perhaps lies there the answer which you are searching for in your life.

Take Control of your Life

The most integral part of Batman mythology on whose foundation Bruce Wayne is transformed into Batman, that is the death of Bruce Wayne's parents. A rich kid at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Here is a kid who realizes at an early age that security is temporary, its fragile.

It happens so that when we are a kid, we tend to think of our parents as immortal beings. Always there to protect us and be there with us. If we are around them, we feel very secure whatever happens. Now as we grow old, we realize that everybody is equally endangered.

Anything can happen to anybody. But if someone loses this sense of security at a very young age, then it leaves a very deep psychological impact on that child. And in many cases, it has a negative impact too.
Tragedy Quotes
Tragedy Quotes

Many people after going through such events become very helpless. They give up. They lose meaning in their life. But there are also such people who transform their trauma into their own growth. They fuel their strength from their tragedy. And they do it by taking control of the situation.

When everything around you is falling apart, nothing happens the way you want, own it. Make it yours. Take control of it. Don't run away. Because by taking control you affirm meaning into chaotic events. Control and independence are a very essential aspect of Batman's character. He has practiced it from a very young age. He had to do so after his parent's death. For him, to lose his control is to lose himself and accept chaos, which he never does.

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Batman never makes an easy choice. 

We move ahead in our life by making a choice. You are always, every second, choosing something. Every moment there are infinite possibilities ahead of you and out of those infinite possibilities, you choose one. The point is that its easy to make a choice if there is no immediate bad consequence. But for Batman every choice he makes there is a dangerous and heartwrenching consequence.

Be it choosing anyone between Rachel and Harvey or not revealing his identity at the cost of people's death. Or showing himself as a murderer so people of Gotham remain united or taking law in hands to keep Gotham City safe. All these choices are very difficult and psychologically tough. And probably the toughest of all is to make a choice to not kill your enemy. The truth is that Batman is as contradictory as his complex nature.

 Develop Self-control. 

We know that Batman possesses no superpower. His wealth is something he has nearest to the superpower. But that's not true. If there is something which makes Batman so powerful and different, it is his ability to control himself. to be able to be disciplined.

Batman Quotes

In many situations in life, to achieve success, it is necessary to regulate our impulses, to control it. That we delay the gratification. Today's society and culture are all about instant relief, quick satisfaction, distraction. There is a whole generation we have raised who is a slave to their impulses. People, for momentary pleasures, are ready to compromise with their values. They are willing to do stupid things.

Impulse Quote

When Batman is fighting criminals, his natural impulse is to kill the enemy. But he suppresses that desire. He exerts self-control. Because killing doesn't align with his value-system.
Police commissioner Gordon trusts Batman only because he knows that no matter what happens, batman will never break. He will not lose his self-control. He will not kill. 

Self-regulation is like a muscle. We all have a muscular ability to regulate our impulses. Bruce Wayne has developed this muscle, worked on it. In fact, he has a stronger capacity for self-regulation than anyone else. And its almost a superpower..the power of self-control.

Batman Quotes
Self Control

Never lose meaning in your Life. 

In the world of superheroes, the most dangerous, scary and psychologically-disturbed peopl are often the villains of Batman. Riddler, 2face, scarecrow, Joker...they are all walking definition of dysfunction. And if you take a closer look at these villains, you will find that all of them are twisted mirror images of Batman himself. It means the emotional tragedy which makes Batman serve justice in Gotham City, the villains use the same emotional tragedy to destroy Gotham City.

Like Batman, they have also had a rough life. They are also as obsessed as Batman. But Batman's perspective is that if something bad had happened to him, now he will ensure that it doesn't happen to anyone else. Meanwhile, his villains believe that If I have suffered, the whole world has to suffer now. The whole world will have to pay for it.
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And all these villains attack Batman exactly at the point where he can be broken. from where he can be exploited. Scarecrow creates phobia. Poison ivy creates lust. Penguin exploits his influence, Bane wants to break his willpower..and the worst of all, Joker, who tries convincing Batman that he is also like him. He creates psychological pressure. And that's why Batman's real struggle is not with Gotham's criminals but his struggle is at his own individual to how can he continue to have meaning in his he doesn't let his inner belief die that deep down there is goodness in everyone.

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  1. The moment you say we are slaves of impulses, it hit me, hit harder than anything. But what I wonder is what is making us like this.
    We were never like this, atleast the previous generation was not.
    Then what's that revolutionary change that made us dolt to this extent.


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